Arch of Health is a piece of copper sculpture by Ju Ming in his captivating “Taichi Series.”
It was a gift from the Ret-Ser Engineering Agency to the Taipei Veterans General Hospital when the latter’s main construction complex-Chung-Cheng Building-was inaugurated in 1989.
Titled “Arch of Health,”this masterpiece embodies the ideal that all the patients who go through this arch for medical treatment will be able to regain their health.
In this work, Ju Ming ingeniously transmuted the dynamic momentum of pushing hands into a gracefully simplified arch.Standing in a pure, simple,and dignified form, this abstract mass magnificently conveys the beauty of suppleness within rigidity.
The colossal bulk bears several short and decisive cuts that sever the continuous lines, which brings the flowing stroke to a momentary halt and a slight twist before it resumes its course.
Ju Ming’s inimitable approach ergo allows us to admire this work of immense charmas our gaze follows the rhythmic motion between its both ends.
Ju Ming, Taichi Series – Arch of Health
1989, Copper, 750x390x360cm
Collection of Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Location: Taipei, Taiwan
Case closed: June, 2022
Owner: Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Artist: Ju Ming
Lighting Design: OuDe light
Lighting Equipment Manufacturer: Tons
Drive Equipment Manufacturer: TRIDONIC
Contractor: Bo Xiang Engineering
Photo Credit: Shashin Photo Studio, Mr. Shashin Yang